Saturday, January 9, 2010

hi its mosinstep with his tongs, which, after a clumsy fashion, were made of straightened iron hoops this old
abony floundered along, and in obedience to the word of command, came to a dead stop on the
opposite side of stubbs sideboard when, with both hands folded before him, and resting on his two
legged cane, he bowed his arched back still further over, at the same time sideways inclining his
head, so as to bring his best ear into play. cook, said stubb, rapibly lifting a rather reddish morsel
to his mouth, dont you think this steak is rather overdone youve been beating this steak too much,
cook its too tender. dont i always say that to be good, a whale steak must be tough there are those
sharks now over the side, dont you see they prefer it tough and rare what a shindy they are kicking
up cook, go and talk to em, tell em they are welcome to help themselves civilly, and in moderation,
but they must keep quiet. blast me, if i can hear my own voice. away, cook, and deliver my
message. here, take this lantern, snatching one from his sideboard now then, go and preach to em
sullenly taking the offered lantern, old fleece limped across the deck to the bulwarks and then,
with one hand dropping his light low over the sea, so as to get a good view of his congregation, with
the other hand he solemnly flourished his tongs, and leaning far over the side in a mumbling voice
began addressing the sharks, while stubb, softly crawling behind, overheard all that was said.
fellow critters ise ordered here to say dat you must stop dat dam noise dare. you hear stop dat
dam smackin ob de lip massa stubb say dat you can fill your dam bellies up to de hatchings, but
by gor you must stop dat dam racket cook, here interposed stubb, accompanyig the world with a
sudden slap on the shoulder, cook why, damn your eyes, you mustnt swear that way when youre
preaching. thats no way to convert sinners, cook who dat den preach to him yourself, sullenly turning
to go. no cook go on, go on. well, den, belubed fellow critters right exclaimed stubb, approvingly,
xoax em to it try that, and flee

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